Sunday, January 24, 2010

Carolina Region Leader Weekend (sounds weird)

It's ironic that Charlotte region had leader weekend the same weekend as Northern KY and at Great Wolf Lodge the same as NKY!! I missed everyone! It was really hard for me to want to go because I was the only girl and would have to stay in a room with people I didn't know. But, Vince and Andrew had a room to themselves so I was able to stay with them and I was very thankful. The three of us hung out all weekend, it was great! Another great thing is for the first time in 6 years I didn't have to go to all those meetings. Haha someone make sure you tell Rick I said that. Steve Gardner was the speaker and did a great job. He talked about joy all weekend, joy in the Lord, joy in ministry and joy in community. It was really encouraging, something I needed to hear and be reminded why I moved away and that God has a plan for us in Gastonia.
Our worship was amazing because it was lead by Ed and Scott Cash! They sure know how to worship. I've never heard Ed before, he sure can sing! Ed sang a new song called "I Have a Hope" the words are awesome. I encourage you to google it, it is sung by some guy named Tommy Walker (Ed does a better job though). I took a picture with Scott to rub it in Danielle's face!